Upload and Share Your Files With a Temporary Link

Upload your Images, documents, music, and video in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere. We provide you with a temporary link so you can share and download your files for free.


Check out all of your features at TempFile.io. Temporary file download link, Password protect your temporary files, set a timer on your files. Access your temporary files anywhere.

Upload Your Files

Upload Your Files

Simple file upload, drag and drop or use your browser.

Get File Link

Get File Link

Once you upload your files you will be provided a simple link.

Share Your Files

Share Your Files

Easily share your temporary files over social media or with your file link.

Password Protect Files

Password Protect Files

Share your temporary video with only the people that you trust.

Set Time Limit

Set Time Limit

Have your temporary files available for 5 minutes or a full 7 days.

Create an Account

Create an Account

Keep your temporary files available longer, up to 30 days with more storage.


Have some questions about TempFile.io? We have the answers. Check out our frequently asked questions about our temporary file upload.

Yes, You can easily upload and share any file with a link at TempFile.io. You can upload documents, PDF's, audio files, videos and many others.

Yes, TempFile is FREE to use and we hope you will utalize our service for years to come. You can upload and share files with a link anonamously or sign up for an account and keep your files stored on our servers for 30 days.

Your temporary file upload will stay on our servers for 7 days, then they will be deleted. If you sign up for an account your files will stay on our servers for 30 days and you will be able to mangage all files within your dashboard.

Yes, you can put a password on any file that you upload to our servers. When someone visits your file link they will be prompted to enter a password. If the password is incorrect they will not be able to download your temporary files.

Yes, all your files are hosted on our web server. Each file is protected by HTTPS, and they are fully encrypted. To make your files access even safer, we suggest you to add a password when uploading.

Due to costs and considering that our service is free, at this moment, we only support temporary file storage. While we might add a paid pricing tier in the future for lifetime storage, in the meanwhile, we advise you to use alternative file sharing platforms.WeTransfer is a very popular choice. You can explore more options at Socialmarketing90 , as they have a full list of different providers.

Upload Files

Upload more
Max File Size 1.00 GB / Files available for 7 days

Drag and drop or click here to upload

You can also browse from your computer

Password protection

The password helps protect your file from public accessing